Baby White Seal

General description of stitching, reading and my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Life is a hassle


Well the wedding of my step daughter Jami is over! I actually went to the wedding, even though my daughter Caitlin, never showed up here at the house to go with me. The wedding was a little messed up because the hushers were already drunk before the wedding started. They messed up the music, the handouts didn't get handed out to the guests so nobody knew where the reception was. etc.

I left the wedding and went home to let Lilly outside. Then went to the reception. I thought Jami's mom Tina was going to have a fit. The entire wedding party was almost an hour late!! They decided to pack up the chairs and return them to the rental place. They they went down to the Lake for pictures and stopped at the liquor store 3 times! I was calling Scott's (my husband) cell phone and his son Kenny's cell phone 3 times. Nobody answered. I guess they had the music on so loud nobody heard the phones.

The wedding pictures were again a dismal experience for me. Just like at Kenny's high school graduation, I wasn't included in the family pictures. You would think after being married to their dad for 13 years now, I would get remembered but nope. I kept wanting to say something to Jami about getting certain pictures like one of her and her mother, one of her and her Grandmother, maybe an Anderson's family one, but Scott wouldn't let me say anything.

The reception was o.k. Scott danced with me 3 times. I got upset though because everytime we danced, his mom followed us to the dance floor and just stood there. So Scott would stop dancing with me after just one dance so he could dance with his mom.
I guess maybe I am too sensitive about stuff but it justs keeps happening over and over again.

Now even my daughter isn't calling me! She was supposed to come down the Tuesday before the wedding and help me find a dress. She over slept and had a dentist appt. at 4:45 p.m. So there wasn't enough time for her to come down from West Allis before her appt. She said she would come down afterward but then remembered she had to be back by 8 p.m. to pick up her bunny from the pet store. So again, not enough time to do any shopping by the time she got down here at 6:30 p.m. I told her to not bother. Scott called her later that day and yelled at her. He said if she says she is coming down she had better come down and not let me down. If she isn't coming then don't say she is! She hasn't called since then. That was two weeks ago. So now I don't even have my kid talking to me. Her name is off of the Website for Beansnappers so she is apparently not working there anymore either. That could mean she found another real job or she is pregnant. They decided to not have the wedding next year on their one year anniversary and just have a baby instead! But she bought the size 4 wedding dress already! Kids! I think they have known each other about 6 to 8 months and he wants a baby! Crazy!

At work, I am now a Supervisor. I still have 40 hours a week but it is 4 nights and 2 days instead of my old schedule. I have a 6 day in a row work schedule one week, then the next it is Wed, Thurs, Fri. off Sat./Sun. work Monday off Tuesday. Then 6 days in a row again. I always have Tuesday off. Wed./Thurs. are the two days I work. The last 4 weekdays are the nights.

I finished two small stitching committments but still have to finish the baby quilt for my co - worker. I am still reading. Read the new Harry Potter in just a day and 1/2 and still reading my Harlequins.

Well better get ready for work. Have to be there in an hour! Sorry I don't post more often but am usually too tired after work to even think about it!


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Soap Opera City

Hi everyone,

Well this has been a strange week! My daughter, Caitlin; 18, and her boyfriend Josh; 20 went to Las Vegas this last Wednesday the 18th. His Dad is paying for most everything and they are staying at his house. Caitlin calls me at work yesterday afternoon and says "Guess what Mommy?" I said, " You got married." She was really upset that I figured it out without even thinking. Actually Scott and I figured they would come back married. After all, two young kids and Las Vegas, add up to - Lets get married!

Then this morning I woke up and there is a text message on my phone from her at 2:29 a.m. saying she got a tattoo of a palm tree with Josh's name in it on her shoulder. This week just keeps getting better and better! I guess all four of them each got a tattoo. Caitlin, Josh, Josh's Dad Scott and his girlfriend Holly. The four cost about $600.00 total after tips. I can think of a lot of better things to do with $600.00 than tattoos!

Work has been so crazy busy that I haven't done any stitching or quilting lately. I have been reading! I finished the Dark Tower Series and the Left Behind Series of books. I am still working on my Harlequin romance novels when I can too. Those only take me a few hours to read though so they are fill in when I am at work etc.

Well that is the newest and strangest from my life lately!

Michele A.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Dec. 5, 2004

Good Morning,

I have successfully returned to the workforce after 6 weeks with no ill effects! Yeah! Next week I have 32.5 hours.

Stitching wise I have gotten a little bit further on my small project #1. Reading wise I am just reading my small novels. No major, real books yet.

Heathwise I was doing o.k. until my DH decided to be mean yesterday. As I suffer from depression I sometimes get down. I usually can get right back up after a mental pep talk except when provoked. Which DH decided to do when I opted for a nap to try and shake my bad mood. We are basically pretty tight right now due to my lack of a paycheck for the past 7 weeks - no kidding - big surprise there. NOT! Well, I have pretty much come to grips that we can't do Christmas cards this year. Ok. But now DH decides he isn't going to have time to put up the Christmas lights either. So our whole Christmas just went out the window. Didn't make me a real happy camper.

Yesterday we were also suppose to go see a movie. Then I found out that DH only had $74 left to last for two weeks. So common sense, ditch the movie, right? Wrong. Because I decided it would be wiser not to waste money on a movie I am being "weird". Which is my DH's not so nice way of saying depressed. He also said two other not so nice things which led me to spend the night up in my room away from Mr. not so nice since he obviously has a problem dealing with me when I am down. Which I really wasn't until he went on his verbal rampage. I also haven't been sleeping well since I went back to work - probably the extra stress and excitement. I took some Excedrin PM's and got a full nights sleep so am feeling much better now. Still not happy that our Xmas is basically a goner but feeling back to normal. We will see how long that lasts once Mr. Negative gets home.

As you can see, I don't post daily. Just when the mood strikes and I have the time.


Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving Day 2004

Good Morning all,

It is really quiet here today still because Caitlin, my 17 year old is still in bed. She and her friends swarmed the house late last night to watch movies so she will probably sleep until 2 or 3 p.m. When she gets up we will go out to eat at a buffet food place. Since DH is always gone hunting on TG Day, I never have to cook! Yeah!

Stitching wise, I hope to start working on the small ornament type things I want to get done. After that, I will start working on more of my Iraqi Soldier project. Reading wise, I am doing the little Desire/Blaze/Temptation romance books. It only takes me two hours to read one so if I get tired of stitching, I read one of those and go back to stitching when done.

Future Reading: the last book of the Left Behind Series. Books 5,6, and 7 of the Dark Tower Series.

I go back to work on Dec. 1st after 6 weeks off due to my surgeries. I am not looking forward to that at all! I hope I remember everything I am suppose to when I am standing in front of the register again!

Well need to go start my day. Center my small project on Q-snaps and get started!

Have a great day everyone!